Machine Learning

How to Beat Proprietary LLMs With Smaller Open Source Models

How to Beat Proprietary LLMs With Smaller Open Source Models

Building your AI applications around open source models can make them better, cheaper, and faster
14 min read
A Guide to Structured Outputs Using Constrained Decoding

A Guide to Structured Outputs Using Constrained Decoding

The how, why, power, and pitfalls of constraining generative language model outputs
14 min read
A power set of feature coalitions.

How Shapley Values Work

In this article, we will explore how Shapley values work - not using cryptic formulae, but by way of code and simplified explanations
10 min read
Industry Perspective: Tree-Based Models vs Deep Learning for Tabular Data

Industry Perspective: Tree-Based Models vs Deep Learning for Tabular Data

Tree-based models aren't just highly performant - they offer a host of other advantages
3 min read
Supervised Clustering: How to Use SHAP Values for Better Cluster Analysis

Supervised Clustering: How to Use SHAP Values for Better Cluster Analysis

Cluster analysis is a popular method for identifying subgroups within a population, but the results are often challenging to interpret
9 min read
Utility vs Understanding: the State of Machine Learning Entering 2022

Utility vs Understanding: the State of Machine Learning Entering 2022

The empirical utility of some fields of machine learning has rapidly outpaced our understanding of the underlying theory: the models
12 min read
Explaining Machine Learning Models: A Non-Technical Guide to Interpreting SHAP Analyses

Explaining Machine Learning Models: A Non-Technical Guide to Interpreting SHAP Analyses

With interpretability becoming an increasingly important requirement for machine learning projects, there's a growing need for the complex outputs of techniques such as SHAP to be communicated to non-technical stakeholders.
12 min read